May 30, 2008

Jacob's first game of the season

This year Jacob gets to play on the Yankee's team. He was very excited about his first game. He only got one up-at bat, but he hit it good and long. He also got to play outfield and catcher. Poor Carl had to work so he only caught the last of the game, but Gram and Gramps came with us to cheer Jake on.

We love this organization. They are very helpful in teaching the kids the basics of the game and to use teamwork instead of everyone running for he same ball. Plus, it is only $20 per season. Good deal I say!!

Jacob as the catcher

Jacob reaching home plate. So gleeful!

Back to the dugout. Good Job Jake!


Missy said...

Is that woman in the first picture really wearing overalls with one of the straps undone? Please don't tell me she reads your blog!!

J.W.Pace said...

Jacob, we ar proud of you. Grandma and grandpa Pace are very impressed.

You are making a great baseball player, keep up the good work.

Love Grandma and grandpa