Dec 9, 2008

Alex's Christmas Program

'Tis the season for holiday programs. Alex's school had their show last night and it was awesome! All of the kids did very well and sang in nice loud voices. The show started at 7, but by 6:45 when all the kids were supposed to come, there was standing room only! They must have been letting people in at 6 for the amount of families that were there. All in all though, it was a success. I did think it was funny that they sang "Away in a Manger", a song about the baby Jesus, and felt compleled to change the line "the stars in the heavens" to "the stars in the sky". They can sing about Jesus, but not Heaven? ha ha, Whatever! So, here are some photos and two of the four songs he sang. I really wish Carl would have gotten his last performance. His facial expressions were just killing me!!

1 comment:

Jennjess said...

Very cool!! I love little recitals!!!! Al did an awesome job!!