Sep 13, 2009

First Day Hooray!

The big day(s) came and went. Alex was the first to start on the 8th and jacob followed on the 10th. They were both super excited to start school this year! Jacob (if his school had grades) is in 5th, Alex in 2nd. Here are some shots of them:

Why is it that when boys reach a certain age, everything has to have skulls on it?!

Jake took this shot for us! Good Job Jake!

Poor Jake, his bus comes so early in the morning, just before 7 actually, that I was not able to get a shot of him that morning. But, here he is that afternoon in his favorite shirt he picked out for school this year. No, he did not wear the cammo shorts to school! ha


Mandy said...

Cute!!! I know exactly what you mean about the skulls! Trey and I had to make an emergency run to skull-free Walmart yesterday to get a shirt for today's picture day. So sad! haha

Mandy said...

uhhh....i meant and emergency run to Walmart for a skull-free shirt.

Ugh...i'm dumb.

Christina said...

I don't know, the first comment made sense as well! I was thinking, dang, I gotta shop at the mart if they are skull-free! Perhaps I can get him some clothes that don't scream living dead! ha

J.W.Pace said...

Looks like some wild sirts the boys are wareing.
Wish we could see them in person.

Love mom & dad