Nov 24, 2007

We are moved!!!

Hey everyone, we are finally 99% moved. There are still some boxes in the basement that have holiday things, but that's ok. So we are here, and can't really move for all of our stuff. As Carl says, our entire life is in a box! At least we got all the kitchen unpacked so we can eat! The boys did well in their own rooms last night. Pretty funny watching them, because their top complaint they had against the other in the green house was that each wanted to watch something different on the TV at night. Well, last night they each sat in their own room, watching the same show! And, if one would change, the other would run in about 5 minutes later, see the change, decide that they too wanted to watch said program and go change their TV to the same thing... so silly!

Nov 18, 2007


Goodbye Green House! We got our call from Westwick and they want us to move in on Wednesday. Pretty short notice, but at least we were mostly all packed. We'll keep you updated on the events of the move as we survive them!
Here are the pictures. I had a lot more, but there were so many with customers, I was afraid to post them.
Here is part of the mural that is painted inside.
More of the mural.
This is an awesome clapboard shack that used to reside in my brothers basement in a million pieces! Bet they are happy to get that put up in the restaurant!
This is my awesome Brother and some of his employees I believe.

Nov 15, 2007

Gator Jack's is open!!

My Brother's restaurant is open! I am going to try to upload the pictures in the morning, since the website hates me!

Nov 11, 2007

Saying goodbye to the swingset

Nobody said moving was easy. Especially when you are 8 and 5. Since we are moving to a condominium, we are not able to take our swing set with us. This was not met with enthusiasm from the boys. In fact, there were enormous genuine tears! Carl and I in out adult minds thought that the boys would realize that it was not coming with us. We are dumb like that! So, the morning came that my friend Francesca was going to come claim it as her own, and I was met by tears and anger. Realizing too late that we should have warned them about this sooner, we tried to make up by getting some shots of them with the swing set. In the end, they decided that to let another child have it was better than it going in the garbage, but I think that they are still under the impression that we are terrible parents and that their slide/swings could SO fit into our 10X10 backyard! So ,here are the shots of them saying goodbye, and us just being silly.

Nov 7, 2007

Westwick here we come!!

It is official. We have been accepted into Westwick and will be moving asap. We are sad to leave our house, but we know that under the circumstances, this is the best options for us. We are excited to join our many friends who already live here! I will keep you posted on dates and events pertaining to our move.

How could I NOT post this?!

We were in the car on the way home from taking our shots of Westwick when Alex took this lovely shot of himself. What can I say...the boy has talent! Note his use of lines as he includes the shoulder belt in the shot...pure genius!

Scouting 101

Jacob has become and official Cub Scout! His first pack meet was tonight. He was very excited to go and it seemed like he had a great time. This is a ward thing, so he knows a lot of the kids (some are from the Canton Ward). I think that this will be a great thing for him. He is already trying to figure out how he can get 4 badges! I will keep everyone posted about his accomplishments!

Nov 6, 2007

It's Apple Picking TIme!!

My sister-in-law sent me this one. Good times man! I got a 73 and I am sure I will get better the more I try.

Can you get 50% in the pail ?
Let's go, it's Apple pickin' time!
This will keep you busy for a while....

Nov 4, 2007

Happy Birthday Jacob!!

Jacob turned 8 years old today! Whew, time flies! I feel so old....

He had an awesome party yesterday. We took Lauren and Trey with us to go see the Bee Movie. Pretty funny stuff!

Then we went over to Aunt Mandy's house (since ours is in the process of being packed) to open presents and have cake. Jacob got a bunch of wonderful presents and I have pictures of it all, just not in my possession right now. I will post them tomorrow.

Nov 1, 2007

Check out these creepy ghouls

My father in-law Carl is the one in the Elvis hair

Lauren is one hot babe!

Wig anyone?

Jacki got this wig for 50 cents. I think it was worth it! Funny thing is, it was supposed to be a Dracula wig...Dracula takes on 1972?